My fast way to start using new language!

On our job we need to learn new languages. I have been a programmer for 3 years. Now, I am learning python, but I learned JavaScript, Ruby, Java, C#, C++. After each next language I had more experience in learning. Now, I have a system for it and I want to show you it. I don't say it is ideal, but I still improve it every language.

The first step is basic language syntax

I always start from learning basic syntax. I use for it the website like Codecademy or Pluralsight. I can write very easy code with advice on it. After one course I will know about loops, conditionals, syntax, variables and specific for language things (import modules or something like that). This is a very quick way to start.

The second step is practical problems

I am looking for challenges to learn more. Now I use for it the codingame website. During resolving the problems we will search how do it in our new language. The learn from the problems is the best way to remember how to use the new language. This is why I like challenges on my job, because we have quick improvement by this.

Use it on the project

When I learn a language I have the goal. I learned Ruby, because I want to write scripts. I learned Ruby on Rails, because I want to write simple website. I am learning python, because Ruby doesn't have that what have a python for scripting. After one day with mentioned steps I use new language to implement my projects. Don't kid yourself, the best teacher is a practice. We can read a lot of tutorials, watch a lot of movies about it, but we learn a lot of things, when we start to use the language for resolve real problem. This step is the best of my algorithm to learn language. I have motivation, because I know that has a value for me.


This is my way to learn a language to a level which let me resolve my issue. I think we will never learn all about the language, but when we can resolve our problems with it, this is enough to start the journey.

This is not only for learning new programming language. I write my blog, because I learned the English language from websites and books, but when I started to use it, I get the improvement. The last step is the main step.

Do you have your own algorithm to learn something? Could you share it on the comments? I am looking for inspiration to improve my way, so maybe you will be this.


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