How correctly imitate dependencies?
This is continuous of my previous post about why we should imitate our dependencies. I did it not long ago. I though about how do it properly and when I can say that it is correct. Start from test and real dependencies I am starting from the tests. I wrote the simple tests which, I though, are correct. That was my learned about dependencies. I had the good situation that I had some prepared tests before. During the writing test I got a knowledge. A lot of time, I verified what the system return. After it, I got the full automated tests for my dependency. Now, I am sure that dependency works like I think. Like my test use it. I think this is a very good advantage. Extract the interface for communicating The implementation to communicate is implemented and tested. Our test, if you implement it like functionality test, not code test, should show us, how we want to use our dependency. We know what parameters we use, what methods. We know what we want. That is a place where we must extr...